Publication Type: Oucome Evaluation

Report Topic: Assessment of Preliminary Outcomes of Livelihood Interventions on Economics Status of Family and Their Children’s Nutrition, Health Care and Education in Saptari, District

Client: © Save the Children Nepal


Subsistence farming is the means of household livelihoods for the four fifth of the population living in rural areas in Nepal. Most deprived and vulnerable groups generally live in less endowed and more disaster-prone areas, and thus they are most affected by untoward effect of such stresses. In addition, poor education, skills, access to information and confidence contribute to keeping them hooked in the loop of inter-generational poverty cycle. Save the Children started ME/VT interventions (grocers, vending, tea and snack shops, and other skill-based income generating activities like tailoring, mobile repairing, motorcycle repairing etc) in those communities since 2015 in Saptari district. Farm-based livelihood interventions, basically leasehold vegetable farming, were started intensively since 2016. Some promising results from these interventions are being witnessed in the form of increased income, food security and self-employment among the beneficiaries. Programme activities have been implanting in Bishnupur, Chhinmasata, Khadak, Rajbiraj, Surunga, and Tilathikoiladi Palikas of Saptari. In this context, SC intended to assess the preliminary performance of its livelihood interventions to improve the overall livelihoods of the family and wellbeing of the children.